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The automation of journalism

Innovation, collaboration and knowledge management in the implementation of AI in news companies.

AI visualiserat. Mörkt rum med ljuspunkter, coolt effekt.
En kupol som utgörs av videoskärmar. Rummet som den står i är mörkt och med skrämarna blir det en cool effekt med dess ljus och innehåll som ger prägel på bilden.

How can basic journalistic values ​​be shaped and lived out with the help of robots and AI?

Based at the intersection of two national collaboration platforms – Media & Democracy and AI Sweden – the research project Automation of journalism sheds light on one of the most fundamental transformations of the news media ever: digitalisation.

AI visualiserat. Mörkt rum med ljuspunkter, coolt effekt.

The purpose is to understand how news organizations work to manage different skills, workflows and - sometimes - conflicting goals in innovation processes related to automation and implementation of AI in journalism.

The project, led by Jenny Wiik, associate professor of media and communication science, is funded by the Riksbankens Jubilee Fund with over SEK 2.3 million, and runs until May 2023. The study is based on various cases of innovation processes where development and implementation of AI is now underway, both in Sweden and internationally, and focuses on three coherent aspects:

  1. The networks of actors involved in the implementation of AI in the news work.
  2. The importance and methods of negotiation and cooperation between actors in these networks.
  3. The importance of organizational conditions for facilitating editorial collaborations and innovations.