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Strengthened local journalism in crises

Två kvinnor går längs en klippa i solnedgången, hukade över sina mobiltelfoner. Det är något oroligt över bilden. Kanske försöker de kontakta någon som är försvunnen.

Free independent journalism is a cornerstone of democracy. The project aims to strengthen local journalism's conditions in crises and war; a democratic preparedness. The project wants to to increase journalism's – and also civil society's – resistance to propaganda and misinformation.

Strengthened local journalism in crises has a national bearing and will, in local test environments with sparse editorial staffing, test whether and how cooperation between local news media and Svenska Lottakåren can strengthen the information and communication and thereby create better conditions for the local media to quickly get verified data in crises. Pieces of informations which in turn can constitute valuable data for the journalistic profession, and thus the local community's access to important news and information. Research shows that the working models and methods in crises are the ones that have been tested and established before.

In addition to Media & Democracy, the University of Gothenburg, Blekinge Läns Tidning, NWT Media and Svenska Lottakåren participate.

From a research perspective, Strengthened local journalism in crises is classified as Collaborative Journalism whose definition is "a collaborative arrangement between two or more news and information organizations, which aims to complement each organization's resources and maximize the impact of the content produced."

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The external co-financier is the Agency for Psychological Defense. The project runs from September 2022 to June 2024.