In a short time, AI has gone from present to burning in the news media. In the Medier & demokrati podcast episode 16, Martin Schori, Aftonbladet, and Olle Zachrison, Sveriges Radio, talk about what work looks like in their respective workplaces - and in the world at large.
Both Aftonbladet and Sveriges Radio have created structures to coordinate all ongoing AI efforts, an important step in order not to run in the wrong direction in a rapid development.
- We also need to exchange more ideas and predict cross-industry. It's about seeing serious journalism and what opportunities there are, says Olle Zachrison in the podcast.
Martin Schori and Olle Zachrison both work actively with AI projects in their respective media houses. When they talk about AI in the Medier & demokrati podcast, it's about much more than ChatGPT and auto-generated text.
- For the industry, I hope that AI technology can finally make it cheap and fast to change. We are still far behind in the digital transformation, many – if not all – challenges we face are about the user experience. Our products and sites are not good enough. People like news, but they don't like the way we present it, says Martin Schori.
Now they are looking at how they can use AI to create news summaries.
- I think we will work with AI-generated summaries that you can then listen to. We see that the audience is asking for an overview and I don't really think that any Swedish media site has captured that in a good way yet. I hope we will be first, says Martin Schori.
Listen to the podcast for more uses for AI in journalism, but also the challenges - and how the talk is going in newsrooms in Sweden and the world right now.
Listen to the podcast below