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personer på scen
kvinnor i solnedgång
Människor i stor sal, sitter och samtalar

Active projects

två kvinnor och en man, porträtt

The Local Information Landscape in Crisis and War

The preliminary study The Local Information Landscape in Crisis and War explores the potential for new research and innovation on how local libraries and news media can strengthen access to verified...
Två kvinnor går längs en klippa i solnedgången, hukade över sina mobiltelfoner. Det är något oroligt över bilden. Kanske försöker de kontakta någon som är försvunnen.

Strengthened local journalism in crises

The project aims to strengthen the conditions of local journalism in crises and wars; a democratic preparedness. In addition to Media & Democracy, the University of Gothenburg, Blekinge Läns Tidning...
Bild tagen uppifrån på studenter som sitter vid skolbänkar i en föreläsningssal.

Crossborder Journalism Campus, CJC

The project, which runs between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2024, will develop a model for how students in investigative journalism at different universities in different countries can collaborate...
Människor i stor sal, sitter och samtalar

Future of Democracy

Future of Democracy has been initiated and led by Media & Democracy and AI Sweden, Sweden's center for applied AI innovation. The focus is on the borderland between technology and democracy, with the...
folk diskuterar intensivt i en ring

International Youth Think Tank

The project was founded in 2018 and has been part of Lindholmen Science Park and Media & democracy since January 2021. The goal is to promote the democracy movement among 18-24-year-olds in Europe and...
'Kvinna på scen

The automation of journalism

Innovation, collaboration and knowledge management in the implementation of AI in news companies.

Finished projects

Ung man som kollar på telefonen,

Young citizens and the quality of news Construals, Emotions and Strategies

The project has an experimental design and investigates how younger news consumers view quality by mixing interviews with eye movement studies and measurement of emotions. The research project is led...

Journalism and AI

Data-driven models and artificial intelligence (AI) are increasingly being integrated into various industries, and journalism is no exception. Therefore, the Media Institute Fojo at Linnaeus...
personer på scen

Local democracy in a global world

In "Local democracy in a digital world", news media and libraries test experimentally whether and how new forms of collaboration can strengthen local news and knowledge dissemination and the...
kvinna ler in i kameran

Media citizens not exposed to traditional news media

In recent decades, research has indicated that more media users rarely or never consume social journalism. A trend that can have an impact on participation in society and on the media as a pillar of...
Bilden föreställer ett blott och lila dataship. Väldigt mycket inzoomat och bilden täcks mest av blått och lila likt ett bildfilter.

The media industry and AI

Data- and AI-driven development is growing in importance and Media & Democracy is leading a national pilot initiative – The Media Industry and AI – together with three media groups and AI Sweden...
Människor står och ler mot kameran, utomhus!

Local editor 2.0

How should a journalist in a local editorial office work in an optimal way? How can the media create greater engagement and new forms of local journalism? These were the starting points for the...
två män och en kvinna står i en studio

Audiovisual Days

Audiovisual Days - formerly Västsvenska filmdagarna - has been organized for nine years and is broadly aimed at actors in moving image and audiovisual media. During two intensive days, participants...
Personer intervjuas på stan

Conflict Management, Dialogue and Reader Engagement in the New Media Landscape

The project is based on challenge-driven innovation and is financed externally by Vinnova. The focus of the first stage is to develop the project's idea and innovation and simultaneously plan how the...
Två personer i studio, ler och skrattar

Beta Borås: Younger News Universe for Local Community Journalism and Debate, stage 2

What local community journalism engages 25-35-year-olds and how ready is the target group to pay to consume it? From 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020, stage 2 of the unique and acclaimed research and...
En bild som föreställer en fjärrkontroll som ligger i fokus, i bakgrunden skymtas en tv som ligger i ofokus. I övrigt är rummet mörkt

The Digital Media Landscape and the 2018 Local Election

How does the rapidly changing media landscape's affect local and regional elections? This was the subject of a study conducted by Medier & demokrati together with Mid Sweden University and Södertörn...
Personer vid skrivbord, skrattar, en har ett VRheadset på sig.

Beta Borås: Younger News Universe for Local Community Journalism and Debate

What local community journalism attracts and is relevant for 25-35-year-olds? In 2018 a special test editorial staff at Borås Tidning studied the answers to the question.