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Media innovation and social research

Bild på demostranter. En afroamerikansk kvinna är i centrum som talar in i en mikrofon med sin näve knuten och upplyft mot skyn.
Personer framför kamera
Illustration av data som tillsammans utgör en stor bakgrundsbild, bilden förestället datachipslinjer som slingrar sig över bilden i olika nyanser. Tillsammans får bilden ett helthetsintryck av att vara futuristiskt. ,
Bildcollage på tre personer

"We are happy to be able to qualify the discussion"

The Gothenburg book fair is approaching. Media & democracy hosts a seminar plus four program items at the Freedom of Expression Square. All five features are presented here.

Webbinarium: Hur tech startups driver AI-innovation för mediebranschen

Ett växande ekosystem av nystartade företag levererar AI-lösningar till nyhetsmedier, det framkommer i Medier & demokrati-projektet Automatiseringen av journalistiken. I ett webbinarium den 17...

Johan Löfvenholm appointed new CEO of Lindholmen Science Park

The board of Lindholmen Science Park AB has appointed Johan Löfvenholm as the new CEO of the company. With extensive experience in the automotive industry, he will begin his new role in August...
Kvinnor står runt ett bord och ler

"Several had not seen a battery-powered radio"

During Preparedness Week, Blekinge Läns Tidning and the Swedish Women's Voluntary Defence Organization (Lottakåren) set out to engage with high school students to discuss preparedness. This successful...
Ungdomar ler på gatan

Record Number of Applicants for IYTT's Youth Conference

The International Youth Think Tank (IYTT) is celebrating its fifth anniversary with an achievement. A total of 540 young individuals from 68 countries have applied to participate in this year's...

Record Interest in Global Media Conference at Lindholmen

In September, the world's largest conference on investigative journalism will be held in Gothenburg. It is now clear that there is record interest in the pre-conference of the first day, organized by...
Två män och en kvinna i studio under livesändning. Kameraljus riktade in i kameran lens vilket ger ett dramatiskt uttryck av bilden och sändningen.

Save the date to Audiovisual Days 2023

Audiovisual Days are back at Lindholmen Science Park 8-10 November 2023. There will be three days of lectures, panel discussions and workshops on sound-based and visual storytelling - and Media &...
Två kvinnor sitter och poddar i en studie

The M&D podcast is now available on Spotify

Now we are making the Media & Democracy podcast more accessible. Follow the podcast on Spotify so you don't miss new episodes about current media innovation and democracy-related social research.
Människor i stor sal, sitter och samtalar

"It has never felt so relevant to talk about technology development and democracy"

29-30 May, the third Future of Democracy Summit was held. 150 leaders gathered at Lindholmen Science Park to discuss modernization, new technology and democracy. Here are project manager Karin...
Personer sitter i diskussion och ler

Application open for IYTT's fifth youth conference

In November, the International Youth Think Tank (IYTT) organized its fifth youth conference. The previous four have been held in Gothenburg, but starting this year the conference will be held in...
Man håller upp mobil

"Committed participants who are passionate about democracy"

The project Strengthened local journalism in crisis situations is underway at newsrooms in Blekinge and Värmland. Linus Carle, editor-in-chief at Arvika news, shares what their collaboration with...
Två porträtt på två män

This is how Aftonbladet and Sveriges Radio work with AI

In a short time, AI has gone from present to burning in the news media. In the Medier & demokrati podcast episode 16, Martin Schori, Aftonbladet, and Olle Zachrison, Sveriges Radio, talk about what...

Insights about young people & media

One of Media Sweden's biggest concerns is the large gap between younger and older generations' media consumption. In order to survive in the long run, and from a democratic perspective, the media are grappling with how to get younger generations to take part in, and pay for, journalism.

Media & democracy has run or participated in five research projects on young media consumers. Now we have collected all published material and valuable insights about the target group in one place.

Personer på scen som pratar i mikrofon


två kvinnor och en man, porträtt

The Local Information Landscape in Crisis and War

The preliminary study The Local Information Landscape in Crisis and War explores the potential for new research and innovation on how local libraries and news media can strengthen access to verified...
Två kvinnor går längs en klippa i solnedgången, hukade över sina mobiltelfoner. Det är något oroligt över bilden. Kanske försöker de kontakta någon som är försvunnen.

Strengthened local journalism in crises

The project aims to strengthen the conditions of local journalism in crises and wars; a democratic preparedness. In addition to Media & Democracy, the University of Gothenburg, Blekinge Läns Tidning...
'Kvinna på scen

The automation of journalism

Innovation, collaboration and knowledge management in the implementation of AI in news companies.
Bild tagen uppifrån på studenter som sitter vid skolbänkar i en föreläsningssal.

Crossborder Journalism Campus, CJC

The project, which runs between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2024, will develop a model for how students in investigative journalism at different universities in different countries can collaborate...
Människor i stor sal, sitter och samtalar

Future of Democracy

Future of Democracy has been initiated and led by Media & Democracy and AI Sweden, Sweden's center for applied AI innovation. The focus is on the borderland between technology and democracy, with the...
folk diskuterar intensivt i en ring

International Youth Think Tank

The project was founded in 2018 and has been part of Lindholmen Science Park and Media & democracy since January 2021. The goal is to promote the democracy movement among 18-24-year-olds in Europe and...

About Media & Democracy

Media & Democracy is a national collaboration platform for media innovation and social research. The goal is to strengthen the media's innovative power, journalism, public discourse, and democracy. Priority areas for the platform are experimental research projects, data and AI-related media development, media and information literacy as well as knowledge dissemination and networking.

Människor i stor sal, sitter och samtalar

Future of Democracy

Future of Democracy has been initiated and led by Media & Democracy and AI Sweden, Sweden's center for applied AI innovation. The focus is on the borderland between technology and democracy, with the aim of safeguarding and contributing to development where digitalisation and AI are used in a democratically sustainable way. Future of Democracy operates as a non-profit initiative and the focal point of the initiative is the Future of Democracy Summit.
folk diskuterar intensivt i en ring

International Youth Think Tank

The project was founded in 2018 and has been part of Lindholmen Science Park and Media & democracy since January 2021. The goal is to promote the democracy movement among 18-24-year-olds in Europe and the initiative is funded until 2023 by the Markus and Amalia Wallenberg Memorial Foundation. A cornerstone of the project is the International Youth Conferences (IYC). So far, three have been arranged - 2019, 2020 and 2021 - of which the last two with Lindholmen Science Park as hub and host.



How Tech Startups Are Driving AI Innovation in the Media Industry

Webinar: Who are the media tech startups and entrepreneurs delivering AI solutions to news companies...
Nyhetscentrum visas. Massa bildskärmar som bildar en glob. Redaktörer står i studion och stirra upp på dem. Mörk känsla i rummet vilket ger en spännande och skarp känsla.

What is happening within Media & Democracy?

Stay up-to-date on the latest and receive invitations to our events.

Contribute to media innovation and social research

Media & Democracy's goal is to strengthen the media's innovative power, journalism, public discourse and democracy.

If you or your organization are curious about getting involved in projects or spreading knowledge, get in touch with Martin Holmberg, program manager for Media & Democracy.

Martin Holmberg

Martin Holmberg

Programme Manager

We who are involved in Media & Democracy

Martin Holmberg

Martin Holmberg

Programme Manager
Kvinna ler in i kameran!

Frida Dam Bergstedt

Project Manager
Porträtt av Urban Strandberg

Urban Strandberg

Program Manager, IYTT
Jenny Wiik

Jenny Wiik

Flexit Researcher
Man ler in i kameran

Robert Olsson

Chairman, Media & Democracy
Porträtt av Jonathan Falck, suddig bakgrund

Jonathan Falck

Senior Advicer
Porträtt av Carl-Fredrik Hansson

Carl-Fredrik Hansson

Communications Manager